This morning (in a few minutes) I will embark on a new adventure – a Creative Writing Course/Short Stories offered by Wesleyan University through Coursera. It will take a couple of months to complete, a certificate of some sort will be offered at the end. I am setting aside Saturday mornings from 7AM to Noon(ish) to work on my assignments, read, listen to the taped lectures and to do my peer reviews.
I have always thrown by blogs out into the world without fear of disapproval. Now, I will be writing and having people (peers) critique my work. I am going from nonchalant writing without a care of what people think (because I am my own person dammit) to worried about how people perceive me. I will be fine, I know. It is just not in my comfortzone to give a poop about what people think of my own thoughts. It will be fun, scary and challenging. And I am ready for it.
If this goes well, I plan on taking:
Creative Writing/Essays
Photography Basics
(Some offered by schools other than Wesleyan). But I am looking at a full year of education that (fingers crossed) ends up with my ability to write a good article and include pictures that I can hock to newspapers as freelance work. It is my dream. I have had it since I was a young child.
So yeah – butterflies. Let’s do this!