Thank the baby I am finished with that series. I mean…seriously.
In honor of the feat, here are my top ten Pros and Cons (homage to Rory) of the show:
Pro: In the last episode (thinking that was the last one ever) they FINALLY threw Luke and Lorelai together and left us a world of possibilities for their happiness and babies and happily ever afters.
Con: As I am new to the show (ie did not watch it the first go around), I have no clue if regular watchers (in real time) felt that that last episode was rushed? Did they get a last minute notice that the show was ending and hurriedly wrapped up as many storylines as possible? Well, all except for Zach – I hope he went on tour and got a record deal. But I will never know. Wait, there are four more that are now on Netflix – I am rooting for Zach.
Pro: The number of book references made during the duration of the show. According to Buzzfeed, there were 339. I think that is kinda cool, being a book person myself.
Con: What the hell happened to Dean? I mean, the poor kid did not win the girl at the end of high school, kinda carved out a life with someone who made sense and then Rory gets horny and bangs him (breaking up his marriage) and then dumps him unceremoniously to be with a rich kid. I hated his storyline. He was blue collar, she was blue blood. I don’t know, just hated it.
Pro: I loved the introduction of April into Luke’s life. She rounded out his character and made him a better person. The kid was cute and smart. I felt that was a parallel to Lorelai. Both she and Luke can appear to be ditzy at times and yet both produced geniuses. I found that interesting.
Con: I hated that April seemed to be the cause of the Luke and Lorelai split. How horrible for this kid, who never knew her dad, to get him in her life and then be the reason they break up. Sheesh.
Pro: Rory sure can pick both goodlooking boys and boys with great hair.
Con: Somewhere around Season 5 I started calling her Whory Rory because I felt that the whole Dean thing was just mean. And I thought that Lorelai raised this kid to have values (other than money) and to put herself first and to be a strong independent kid. And then she ended up being all the things her mom didn’t want (for at least a minute): maybe the influx of money was intoxicating?
Pro: Lorelai’s boots. I mean, seriously girl – you have a style about you. With that being said, kudos to TV for showing a strong role model of a single-mom. I liked her character. Really, I did. She and Rory were a lot like my daughter and me.
Con: Every single episode where she was married to Christopher. Every. Single. Episode. Hated that storyline, hated his character, hated it all. The Lorelai we grew to appreciate would never get married without her daughter present.
Pro: The Grandparents singing to Rory at her graduation party. Seriously, cute overload.
Con: Granny Gilmore was a C U Next Tuesday if I ever saw one.
Pro: I liked Kirk
Con: The troubadour creeped me the hell out.
Pro: All things Melissa and Yanic. ALL things. Loved them, loved their characters.
Con: All things the Taylor guy. Ugh. Just Ugh.
Pro: I loved Miss Patty and in my mind, kind of likened her to the comic relief of Festus in Gunsmoke. They were not really necessary for the shows but we were glad that they were there.
Con: The theme song. For the love of everything holy, I could not FF through it quickly enough. And the LA LA LA shit always. STAAHHHPPP
Pro: Holy shit I am finished with seven seasons of this show. Loved it but thought it jumped the shark around season five really. After that it was like eating dry chicken.
Con: I have four more episodes to watch…. Maybe I will wait a year or two, so I can have the same feelings as the old fans who are finally getting new episodes of a show they love…. After all (my final con) there were over twenty episodes per season. Cut that back by like eight and I would have loved it to the end…
Did you watch the show? Did you love/hate it? Let me know in the comments below.